Great. I will do it then. Can you tell me what size of DNA were you
looking at? Just for grins...
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:17:50 GMT
> From: dk At (DK)
> Subject: [Protein-analysis] Re: frozen aliquots of protein:DNA
> complexes
> To: proteins At> Message-ID: <2jwwh.1291$833.1282 At newsfe05.lga>
>> In article <mailman.1024.1170373661.19683.proteins At>, "Emily Arturo" <ecakbd At> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I have recently discovered that it will be to my great advantage that
> >I freeze (at -80degC) aliquots of my protein for use over long periods
> >of time. I want to do the same with the protein complexed with its
> >high-affinity DNA 'ligand'. Has anyone had experience with
> >successfully deep freezing protein:DNA complexes? fyi: 'successfully"
> >in my case would mean crystallizing the complex for x-ray defraction
> >studies.
>> Yep, at least two different complexes frozen at ~ 10 mg/ml protein
> as 30 ul drops into liquid nitrogen. Very handy for storage - you just
> roll out beads from screw cap tube stored at -80. Both complexes
> solved to 2.5A
>> DK
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