[Protein-analysis] PLEASE HELP ........

kishor kumar keekan via proteins%40net.bio.net (by kumars_kk from rediffmail.com)
Thu Aug 9 06:18:37 EST 2007

Dr. Peter Gegenheimer      
Dept Biochem, Cell &  Mol Biol; Dept Botany           
University of Kansas                                           
2045 Haworth Hall          
Lawrence  KS  66045-2106 
Vox: 785-864-3939  FAX: 785-864-5321

Hello sir,

This is in response to the answer from protocol online.

i am kishor doing PhD on Vanilla curing.

i wanted to extract Vanilla pod protein for PAGE, 
Since the cured bean (dark brown in colour) contains large amount of polyphenols including all the flavour compounds.....etc the protein extract is dark brown in colour !!!
Please answer the following,
1 how can i extract protein for PAGE ?
2. What is the extraction media/Buffer ?
3 can i perform activity assay(PAGE) from the isolated protein, ? or how to isolate protein from the beans for activity assay ?

Please answer, to the the same e mail ID
it will be a great help,


kishor kumar k
Phd Scholar
dept of applied botany
mangalore university

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