[Protein-analysis] A computer science student need some help from biologists!

sticker.ji at gmail.com sticker.ji at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 23:07:17 EST 2006

I am a computer science student. As you may realise, I am lack of
biological knowledge. I study and develop protein classification
methods. A problem to me is, I used to think up some algorithms
modeling protein sequence structures. The algorithms are oriented from
statistical or computer science points of views. After reviewed by
people from bioinformatics, they asked frequently about the biological
meanings of my algorithms.

This is a hard question to me. I always think from general point of
view to develop algorithms and only evaluate my algorithms by using
protein data. For biologists, they are really interesting on biological
meanings of everything.

So I need to know some basic protein structure knowledge in order to
give a deeper discussion of my modeling methods' biological meanings.
Can anyone give me some guide? Some websites or books will be useful.
How and where to start suggestions are also useful. As you see, all I
need is some basic knowledge and can be easily understood by someone
who is a fresher of biology. Some such basic knowledge including
following things:
* There are 20 amino acids.
* Each amino acid is formed by three nucleotides.
* The sequence expression of amino acids is always started with M.
* Similar functions of proteins usually results in similar sequencial
expressions but the opposite saying is not correct.
* The biological meanings of sequence alignments on protein sequences.

Thank you very much for any suggestions and help.


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