[Protein-analysis] Re: Ammonium bicarbonate in IE chromatography

Rhodobacter Christian_Zimmer at t-online.de
Fri Sep 1 09:05:36 EST 2006

Hi pawel,

its better to dialyse or ultrafiltrate your sample after the IE 
Alternativly you can use a desalting column or ZIPTIPs (e.g. Qiagen).

For most samples you need strong Ions in the IE chromatography. May be that 
the carbonate degas as CO2 and you will get some bubbles in your column.

Good Luck


<pawel.stocki at ncl.ac.uk> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:1157020009.287991.209120 at b28g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
> Hi,
> Does anyone have some experience in using ammonium bicarbonate buffer
> for gradient elution from Q-Sepharose or other IE? I would like to use
> it instead of NaCl gradient. The sample will be subjected for further
> MS analysis that is why I would like to use volatile salt. I'll
> appreciate any comments.
> Thanks,
> Pawel

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