[Protein-analysis] Re: serine protease inhibition by plastic extractable material

ChenHA via proteins%40net.bio.net (by hzhen At freeuk.com)
Tue Nov 21 15:09:43 EST 2006

On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 00:12:57 GMT, dk At no.email.thankstospam.net (DK)

>I am thinking the binding to plastic should not be enhanced by 
>sonication. If anything, it might be reduced. 

How so?  My expectation would be it will be increased, given the
increased probability of collision of protein molecules with the tube
surface, as well as possible denaturing effect that allow more
hydrophobic residues to be exposed that might stick to plastic. 

> But yes, binding to plastic
>can be a problem. I used to work with purified diluted enzyme
>(rhodopsin kinase) log ago. A single rigorous vortexing (spreading 
>small volume around large eppendorf surface) reduced activity 
>by ~ 50% there. 

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