[Protein-analysis] Re: Question about protein dialysis-bag leakage

Lu Falong via proteins%40net.bio.net (by FLLu At genetics.ac.cn)
Fri Nov 17 21:35:37 EST 2006


	I have no idea about the problem you faced, I have never seen such a phenomenon. Could it be due to the enzymatic activity of your protein? As to buffer exchange, using a desalting column is an good option.

======= 2006-11-18 01:01:16 ÄúÔÚÀ´ÐÅÖÐдµÀ£º=======

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>Today's Topics:
>   1. Opinions about Bio-Rad PowerPac Basic Power	Supply (Lechu)
>   2. Question about protein dialysis-bag leakage (DY)
>Message: 1
>Date: 16 Nov 2006 12:14:43 -0800
>From: "Lechu" <lech_kaczmarczyk At yahoo.com>
>Subject: [Protein-analysis] Opinions about Bio-Rad PowerPac Basic
>	Power	Supply
>To: proteins At net.bio.net
>Message-ID: <1163708083.041683.219360 At f16g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"
>Is this power module suitable for western-blotting transfers? Or do I
>need sth more powerful? Any reccommendations? How about running 2
>transfers simultaneosly (2 chambers x 2 membranes)?
>Best wishes, Lechu
>Message: 2
>Date: 16 Nov 2006 14:17:44 -0800
>From: "DY" <bearofthecity At gmail.com>
>Subject: [Protein-analysis] Question about protein dialysis-bag
>	leakage
>To: proteins At net.bio.net
>Message-ID: <1163715464.708790.155070 At i42g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>I don't know whetehr anyone have encountered the same strange problem.
>I have one protein that is purifified from Ni column. The major peak is
>eluted with about 250 mM immidazole. I tried to dialyze this protein to
>some other buffer. The remarkable thing is once I add protein solution
>into the dialysis bag, the bag starts to leak!
>The bag is not leaky initially, as checked by only adding buffer into
>it. Therefore, the protein definitely plays a role in this leaky issue.
>Have anyone seen anything like this? I am really puzzled because this
>seems so counter intuitive.
>Proteins mailing list
>Proteins At net.bio.net
>End of Proteins Digest, Vol 18, Issue 6

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


Lu Falong
 Group 808
 Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS 
 Beijing, PR China
 FLLu At genetics.ac.cn

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