[Protein-analysis] Online course in proteomics

Heather Vincent heather.vincent at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Feb 2 10:19:57 EST 2006

The University of Leeds's distance learning course in Proteomics will 
begin again on 20 March 2006.  The course is an element of the full MSc 
in Bioinformatics, but it is also suitable as an individual course for 
professional development.

The MSc courses follow two themes, Bioinformatics and Computer Science. 
  The Bioinformatics courses are:

Introduction to Molecular Biology for Computer Scientists
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Introduction to Microarray Data Analysis
Theory and Applications in Bioinformatics
The Bioinformatics of Protein Structure
The Science of Proteomics
Medicinal Chemistry (from the University of California, San Diego)
Molecular Modelling and Structure-based Drug Design

The computing modules are:

Introduction to programming (C or Java)
Intermediate Java
Object-oriented analysis and design with UML

You will find further information, including a link to the online 
application form, here : 
http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/biomed/bioinformatics.html  If you have any 
questions, or need advice on the options, please contact 
Heather.Vincent at manchester.ac.uk

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