[Protein-analysis] Biography of Maude Leonora Menten - paintings

Dr Engelbert Buxbaum engelbert_buxbaum at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 20 11:38:09 EST 2005


sorry for the slightly of-topic post, but when for my book on protein
chemistry I investigated the biographies of important scientists in this
field I learned that M.L. Menten was not only a gifted scientist, but
also an accomplished painter with several exibitions to her credit. 

Unfortunately I was unable to locate any details either on the 'net or
in the local university library. Since she spend much of her
professional career in Pittsburgh, something may be available there.

I would very much appreciate any pertinent information on the nature of
her paintings and their current where-abouts or bibliographic details on
the catalogues of the exhibitions.

Thanks in advance


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