>This message is addressed to Mr Czernik or to anyone who work on Sinapsine I.
>>I'm presently working in the laboratory held by J. Bockaert in Montpellier
>(FRANCE). We are working on the proteins interacting with 5-HT4 receptor
>and particularly synapsin I. It is the reason for what we are interesting
>in your work.
>>Indeed, we recently performed an affinity chromatography with the whole
>isolated 5-HT4 receptor grafted on beads.
>Synapsin I is one of the new 5-HT4R proteins partners identified.
>The MAPK site 4/5 specific synapsin antibody would be very helpful for us
>to investigate the role of 5-HT4R in synapsin signaling.
>>We would of course be very happy to obtain an aliquot of this antibody.
>Thank you very much,
>Yours sincerely,
>>Gael Barthet