[Protein-analysis] postdoctoral position

Adrian Clarke adrian.clarke at botany.gu.se
Tue Jul 5 04:00:02 EST 2005

Gothenburg University, Botanical Institute, Plant Molecular Biology

Applications are invited for a two-year post-doctoral position available 
from September 2005 at the Botanical Institute, Gothenburg University. The 
successful applicant will join the research group of Professor Adrian 
Clarke studying the Clp family of molecular chaperones and proteases in 
cyanobacteria and higher plants. The applicant will join one of the 
existing projects involving the purification of cyanobacterial and plant 
Clp proteins by E. coli over-expression and their subsequent 
biochemical/structural characterisation. Applicants must have a PhD in 
biochemistry, molecular biology or related field. Experience with protein 
purification and enzymology would be an advantage.

Applications with Curriculum vitae should be sent to Adrian Clarke, 
Botanical Institute, Gothenburg University, Box 461, 40530 Gothenburg, 
Sweden. Fax: +46 31 773 2626. e-mail: Adrian.Clarke at botany.gu.se

Professor Adrian K. Clarke

Plant Molecular Biology
Botanical Institute
Gothenburg University
Box 461
405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 7732502
Fax: +46 31 7732626
Email: Adrian.Clarke at botany.gu.se

Botaniska Institutionen
Göteborgs Universitet
Box 461
405 30 Göteborg
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