HELP!! analysis of prioteins by mass spectrometry

Dr Engelbert Buxbaum engelbert_buxbaum at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 10 03:34:35 EST 2005

Sim wrote:

> Hello I am an Italian resercher and I need help.
> I work with a MALDI (Voyager DE-STR). I usualy analyze proteins and peptides
> by mass spectrometry. The mass spectra so obtained are saved in .dat format.
> I would like to convert these data to .mzXML format but as far as I know it
> is not possible to direcly convert the .dat into .mzXML format. 

dat is a file-ending that is used by every Dick, Tom and Harry for
their data files, there is no common, standardised data structure to
them. You need to find out what the data structure in your particular
case is (RTFM), then write a little program to parse the files and write
them out again in the format you need. Writing the program itself is
usually trivial, understanding both file formats involved ranges from
easy over laborious to impossible, depending on how good the manuals

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