Hello I am an Italian resercher and I need help.
I work with a MALDI (Voyager DE-STR). I usualy analyze proteins and peptides
by mass spectrometry. The mass spectra so obtained are saved in .dat format.
I would like to convert these data to .mzXML format but as far as I know it
is not possible to direcly convert the .dat into .mzXML format. Do you know
if exhist some programs to convert this format to other file formats like
.raw .wiff .cdf? These formats, in fact, can be converted to .mzXML with
some specific tools and this can be a solution to my problems.
If you can help me please reply to me both on this newsgroup and using my
E-MAIL: simone.cristoni at virgilio.it
Thank you very much for your help.