3D-Explorer- Window or Java macromolecules new visualization tools.

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Sun May 16 14:22:07 EST 2004

3D-Explorer- Window or Java macromolecules new visualization tools.

Trial version, manual and examplesof molecular
visualization cab be dowloaded at

  3D-Explorer  is designed to visualize spatial  models
of biological macromolecules and their complexes (below
referred to as models). The 3D-Explorer application  is
compatible with PDB formatted files.
  3D-Explorer  has  an  interface compatible  with  the
GetAtoms and CE applications and can visualize  several
compared 3D-structures.
  You  can  visualize  charge on molecular  surface  as
well as hydrophobisity.
  The  macromolecule can be presented as  wire,  stick,
ball and stick, and CPK models.
  You  can drag a macromolecule model with your  mouse,
rotate it, and change the size of models.
  You  can  also change the detail level and  color  of
models and their elements.
In 3D-Explorer, you can work with several types of
molecular elements and show the structural features of
a molecule as a matrix diagram.


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