Very Long -- Imaginary Experiment with Protein Molecule

Curious curious11112001 at yahoo.com
Thu May 6 11:36:32 EST 2004

Lets say that in this imaginary experiment, heat energy is aimed
solely toward the neutrons of the nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus
atoms of a given protein molecule. Other elements are not hit with the
heat energy nor does the heat spread to them. Bonds of *any* element
in the protein molecule are unaffected. Only the neutrons present in
the individual N, S, and P atoms of the protein molecule are attacked
w/ this heat energy. The heat is retained in those neutrons and does
not [and cannot] spread to other parts of those atoms. The heat energy
does not increase the temperature of the protein molecule or the N, S,
and P atoms. [*heat* and *temperature* are two totally different

If the neutrons in the N, S, and P atoms are hit with a suffinciently
large amount of heat energy in a sufficiently short amt. of time for a
adequately long time, how will the protein molecule change?

Lets say all the protein molecules in all the epidermis and half the
dermis of my skin [*excluding* blood vessels, blood, blood cells,
blood-specific proteins, nerves, nerve endings, nerve cells,
nerve-specific proteins, hairs (including roots, follicles, oil
glands, erector muscles), sweat glands, other glands at all levels]
are subjected to this experiment. What signs/symptoms would I
experience? In particular would my skin look/feel? Any physical pain?

NOTE: These protein molecules may or may not contain sulfur or

Lets say all the protein molecules in my left cochlea [*excluding*
blood vessels, blood, blood cells, blood-specefic proteins, nerves,
nerve endings, nerve cells, nerve-specific proteins, skeletal tissue]
are subjected to this experiment. What signs/symptoms would I
experience? Any affect on the auditory perception from the left ear? 
Deafness? Tinnitus? Any physical pain?

NOTE: These protein molecules may or may not contain sulfur or

Lets say all the protein molecules in my voluntary skeletal muscles
[*excluding* blood vessels, blood, blood cells, blood-specefic
proteins, nerves, nerve endings, nerve cells, nerve-specific proteins]
are subjected to this experiment. What signs/symptoms would I
experience? Any affect on muscle movment? Involuntary movements?
Cramps? Spasms? Paralysis? Any physical pain?

NOTE: These protein molecules may or may not contain sulfur or

Lets say all the protein molecules in only the *CNS-type* neurons in
the parts of my brain dealing with awareness and short-term memory
[*excluding* blood vessels, blood, blood cells, blood-specefic
proteins, peripheral nerves, peripheral nerve endings, peripheral
nerve cells, proteins specific to peripheral nerves but not to the
CNS, membranes, meninges] are subjected to this experiment. What
signs/symptoms would I experience? Any physical pain?

NOTE: These protein molecules may or may not contain sulfur or

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