CO-groups–the components of monosaccharides

Robert Whitby whitby at mac.com
Wed Mar 17 13:17:30 EST 2004

COgroups.pdf has been posted to the "Files for sharing" page of the


This file will serve as the reference for assemblies composed of
CO-groups. It shows the four ways in which a C-atom and an O-atom can
cleftly join to form a CO-group. Each group has twenty-four
orientations in a given octahedral view. These are shown in four
separate figures. The ninety-six orentations of the CO-groups are also
shown in arrangements in accord with the orientations of their
C-atoms. Each CO-group has been given a unique code which describes
the orientations of both its C-atom and its O-atom. Its most immediate
use will be in determining how the CO-groups are arranged in the

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