folding structure of this glycoprotein

w2hgcg at netscape.net w2hgcg at netscape.net
Sat Jun 12 07:05:39 EST 2004

I have not subscribe to this malling list, I have not found how to... so please mail me back directly and not just to the mailling list, thanks in advance. 
I have four seuences (amino acid) of closely related genotypes in a viral complex. I need to predict the folding structure of this glycoprotein gene which is about  1640 amino acids long. I need to draw the 3D structure using the disulphide bonding with cyctine residues. I have the cleavage sites which have generated the two mature proteins. It is translated as a polyprotein and cleaved to genetate 2 mature proteins which are predicted to be glycosylated.
 what I really want to know whether the changes in the AA sequence will alter the 3D structure os these strains compared to the base sequence structure. I have the sequence of the two prototype strains. any hints are more than wellcome... cheers

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