Enzyme-friendly fixative

Robert Goodman robgood at bestweb.net
Sat Feb 14 19:11:27 EST 2004

"Louis Hom" <lhom at OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote in message
news:c0l6r1$1gtf$1 at agate.berkeley.edu...

> Can anyone suggest a reagent for fixing cells that will preserve native
> enzyme activity?
> --
Hard even to imagine such a thing!  However, perhaps one could preserve, not
an entire cell nor even a section, but a sort of "ghost" of one, contents
immobilized on a substrate like NC or in a gel.

Or, if it's only a particular enzyme whose activity you care about, find
some affinity substrate for it you can freeze-etch cells into/onto.  What
enzyme or enzymes are you interested in?


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