BioCoRE@NCSA Collaborative Research Environment

Robert Brunner rbrunner at uiuc.edu
Mon Mar 24 18:28:21 EST 2003

March 24, 2003:

Urbana, Illinois - The Theoretical and Computational Biophysics (TCB)
Group at the University of Illinois is proud to announce the initial
public release of BioCoRE at NCSA, a collaborative research environment at
the National Center for Supercomputer Applications. The TCB Group
develops BioCoRE with support from the NIH's National Center for
Research Resources. The BioCoRE at NCSA effort is also funded by the NSF.

BioCoRE is a collaborative work environment for biomedical research,
research management and training. A resource-centered platform, BioCoRE
offers scientists, working together or alone, a seamless interface to a
broad range of local and remote technologies such as discipline-specific
and general tools, data, and visualization solutions. In creating
unprecedented proximity to colleagues' expertise and knowledge, BioCoRE
empowers scientists everywhere, establishing equal access to research
and training opportunities. To harness and streamline collaborative
capabilities across temporal and physical boundaries in research and
training, BioCoRE builds on the transparent use of and communication
between technological resources (hardware and software) and databases.
BioCoRE features powerful yet easy-to-use tools, among them co-authoring
papers and other documents, running applications on supercomputers,
sharing molecular visualization over the Internet, notifying project
team members of recent project changes by email, chatting, keeping a lab
book, and other practical features.

For additional information, please visit the BioCoRE at NCSA website at

The TCB Group encourages BioCoRE at NCSA users to be closely involved in
the development process through reporting bugs, contributing fixes,
regular feedback mechanisms, periodic surveys and via other means.
Questions or comments may be directed to biocore at ncsa.uiuc.edu.

We are eager to hear from you, and thank you for using our software!

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