IEEE Bioinformatics Conference

conf at opal.biology.gatech.edu conf at opal.biology.gatech.edu
Tue Mar 18 14:38:32 EST 2003

			    Call For Papers

You are invited to submit a paper to the 2003 IEEE Computer Society
Bioinformatics Conference (CSB2003). The conference?s goal is to
facilitate collaboration between computer scientists and biologists by
presenting cutting edge computational biology research findings.
While such research has an interdisciplinary character, CSB2003
emphasizes the computational aspects of bioinformatics research.
Computer science papers must show biological relevance, and biology
papers must stress the computational aspects of the results. 

CSB2003 will accept 27 papers for podium presentation, and these will
be published in the IEEE conference proceedings. Topics of interest
include (but are not limited to):

     Machine learning        String and Graph Algorithms 
     Data Mining             Genome to Life 
     Robotics                Stochastic Modeling 
     Data Visualization      Genomics and Proteomics 
     Regulatory Networks     Gene Expression Pathways 
     Comparative Genomics    Evolution and Phylogenetics 
     Pattern Recognition     Molecular Structures and

Papers are limited to 12 pages, single spaced, in 12 point type,
including title, abstract (250 words or less), figures, tables, text, and
bibliography. The first page should give keywords, authors? postal and
electronic mailing addresses. Submit papers electronically to
bioinformatics at computer.org in either postscript or PDF format. A
select subset of accepted papers will be invited to also publish in the
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 

The Best Paper will be selected by the Program Committee and
announced at the awards ceremony. 

Submissions must be received no later than April 1, 2003. Authors
will be notified of their submission's status by May 19, 2003, and final
corrected versions must be received by June 14, 2003. 

                Important Dates 
                Submission date: April 1, 2003
                Acceptance date: May 19, 2003
                Final Revision date: June 14, 2003 

Send e-mail queries or submissions to bioinformatics at computer.org

General Chair: Vicky Markstein, vicky at insilicolabs.com, 650-851-8399 
Program Co-chairs: Peter Markstein, peter_markstein at hp.com, 650-857-6662 
                   Ying Xu, xyn at ornl.gov, 865-574-7263 

Program Committee: 

Serafim Batzoglou, Stanford University 
Suchendra M. Bhandarkar, University of Georgia 
Mark Borodovsky, Georgia Institute of Technology 
Nikolaos Bourbakis, Wright State University 
Jake Chen, Myriad Proteomics 
Mark Craven, University of Wisconsin 
Antoine Danchin, Institute Pasteur 
Charles Dyer, University of Wisconsin at Madison 
Mike Eisen, Lawrence-Berkeley Lab 
Paolo Frasconi, University of Florence  
Terry Gaasterland, Rockefeller University 
Sridhar Govindarajan, Maxygen
Roderic Guigò, Grup de Recera en Informatica Biomedica, Barcelona
Peter Hammer, Rutgers University
Bailin Hao, Academia Sinica 
Tao Jiang, University of California at Riverside
Ming Li, University of Waterloo 
Xiaole Shirley Liu, Harvard University
Ann Loraine, Affymetrix Corp. 
Peter Markstein, Hewlett-Packard Co. 
Satoru Miyano, University of Tokyo 
Sean Mooney, Stanford University 
Ruth Nussinov, National Cancer Institute and Tel Aviv University 
Antonio Piccolboni, Affymetrix Corp.
Walter L. Ruzzo, University of Washington 
Gustavo Stolovitzky, IBM 
Liping Wei, Nexus Genomics 
Dong Xu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Ying Xu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 

The Call-For-Papers is available as a downloadable PDF file. We
would greatly appreciate if you would print it and post it where it can
be seen by your colleagues. 

(Message Courtesy of The Fourth Georgia Tech International Conference
on Bioinformatics, http://opal.biology.gatech.edu/GeneMark/conference/)

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