Freeze-drying problem

Dr Engelbert Buxbaum engelbert_buxbaum at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 13 05:15:20 EST 2003

Phil Harrison wrote:

> Now for the question (you probably thought I'd never get there!)  Any 
> suggestions on how to freeze-dry this sample and get a powder instead of goo?

Is freeze-drying realy required? Can you store the protein frozen in
small aliquots? Or in 50% glycerol at -20? 

Many proteins store well as an ammonium sulfate precitate at 4 degrees.

Also, if you have used aceton-powders in the past, can you precipitate
the purified protein once from a fairly concentrated solution (say,
10-100 mg/ml)? That way you would use only a little aceton, which can be
disposed of in the sink (wash with plenty of water).

If you need to lyophilise, make sure you do it from a suitable buffer. I
once had to lyophilize from an ammonium formiate buffer. The idea was
that both ammonia and formic acid are volatile, and I should have been
left with the pure substance. In practice, the ammonia and the water
went of and I ended with my substance in concentrated formic acid, which
did not improve its quality ;-(

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