Post-Doc. in Proteomics

Yean-Sung Jung yj29 at ra.msstate.edu
Wed Mar 12 10:10:42 EST 2003

Postdoctoral Associate in Proteomics

A postdoctoral position is immediately available to study novel oxidative
stress response system in Azotobacter vinelandii.  Research involves
construction of knockout mutants and their analyses of global changes in
protein expression due to the mutation. Studies will be directed towards
understanding the mechanism of how pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
E1/ferredoxin I response to increase in intracellular superoxide level and
unfolding potential new oxidative stress defense systems in A. vinelandii.
Experience in Proteomics and Molecular Biology is desirable.

Interested individuals should send their curriculum vitae, names of three
individuals from whom letter of recommendation can be obtained by April.
10th, 2003 to;

Dr. Yean-Sung Jung
P.O. Box 9650
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Fax. No) 662-325-8664
Tel. No) 662-325-2763
E-mail) yj29 at ra.msstate.edu


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