Freeze-drying problem--Part 2

Phil Harrison arsphys at cc.usu.edu
Mon Mar 10 19:30:38 EST 2003

Worse news!  I tried redissolving the goo, including several spots on the 
side of the freeze-dryer flask, and it didn't go into solution.  All I got 
was a cloudy suspension.  Any thoughts?  Have I removed something (a 
carbohydrate--maybe a sugar alcohol) that was keeping the protein from 
becoming fully dehydrated?



Phil Harrison

USDA-Agricultural Research Service,
Forage and Range Research Lab
Utah State University,  UMC 6300
Logan, UT 84322-6300
Phone: 435-797-3209
FAX: 435-797-3075
e-mail: arsphys at cc.usu.edu


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