35s labled gst fusion protein

Artem Evdokimov AEVDOKIMOZ at cinci.rr.com
Sun Mar 2 19:58:15 EST 2003

"fisher" <foolio_j88 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:WXu8a.1619$XR3.47197 at news.itd.umich.edu...
> If I want to get this kind of protein in E.coli, how to do it?
> Does it need in vitro translation?

Either in vitro translation or if you feel frisky, you can grow the bugs on
35S-supplemented medium. Selection of the method would depend on what degree
of labeling and what amounts you require. 35S is nasty, no matter which
method you chose you have to be prepared for major radioactive waste
generation and to be ready to sacrifice some equipment.


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