Peptide Synthesis

Greg Pankhurst g.pankhurst at cfi.unsw.edu.au
Tue Jun 10 19:48:08 EST 2003

Lo All

Looking to get some peptides synthesised (approx. 25 a.a. long) for
immunization purposes. Would also need hapten conjugation and
site-specific biotinylation. It'd be relatively small scale stuff
(5-10mg batches)

Can anyone out there recommend one of the miriad of peptide synthesis
companies ??


"Back off man. I'm a Scientist."
                Bill Murray, Ghostbusters.

Greg Pankhurst PhD
Research Officer
Inflammation Research Group
Centre For Immunology
St Vincent's Hospital
Victoria St
Sydney  NSW  2010
tel: + 61-2-8382 2814
fax: + 61-2-8382 2391
email: g.pankhurst at cfi.unsw.edu.au
www:   http://www.cfi.unsw.edu.au/    

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