Gene Expression

Ian A. York iayork at panix.com
Sat Jan 11 21:00:22 EST 2003

In article <200301111435.h0BEZn710332 at www.agxbx.com>,
 <info at appliedgenex.com> wrote:

To any readers of these newsgroups: This company, appliedgenex, has been a
spam source for several months, spamming newsgroups as well as web sites
and individuals using addresses harvested from Usenet.  This is not only
unethical, it is illegal, since the company is located in California.  As
well, it's a specific violation of the contract they signed with their
ISP, that explicitly bans spam. Further, the company has spammed me three
times, even though after the first spam I notified them in no uncertain
terms that I never wanted to hear from them--they're not only sending mail
if you haven't requested it, they continue to send it after you
specifically request they stop.

Since they show that they're willing to break the law, to break their
contracts at a whim, and to completely ignore the requests of potential
customers, I would think they're not good candidates to do business with.

    Ian York   (iayork at panix.com)  <http://www.panix.com/~iayork/>
    "-but as he was a York, I am rather inclined to suppose him a
     very respectable Man." -Jane Austen, The History of England

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