Host Cell Protein

krismenon67 at hotmail.com krismenon67 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 2 22:25:42 EST 2003

I am trying to quantify the total HCP in a protein bulk sample.

I am doing an HCP ELISA  as well as  Slot Blot.

My values(HCP Concentration) by ELISA are coming very high(about 100times more) as compared to Slot Blot.

My sample is a conc protein..about.7mg/ml

Has anyone ever experienced this kind of discrepancy?
Any inputs on what could be going on.  Could the protein interfere in SlotBlot  and not in ELISA.

I guess an ELISA is more sensitive,I know. But do we expect  100 fold difference?

The slot Blot shoul be at least somewhere near the the ELISA values I guess.
I hope someone can throw light on this issue.


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