Second Virtual Conference on Genomics and Bioinformatics

Willy Valdivia Granda willy.valdivia at ndsu.nodak.edu
Wed Sep 18 17:40:17 EST 2002

Hello All,

We are a few days away from the Second Virtual Conference. Thank you all for
your support of the conference, especially to the organizers in the cities
below. These places will be featuring the conference both real player live
and Access Grid versions. In these sites you will be able to interact with
other researchers
attending the Virtual Conference. There are not registration fees to
particpate in the conference

Willy Valdivia Granda
Founder of the Virtual Conference on Genomics and Bioinformatics

The registration pages.
Conference program:

Please forward this link to the interested parties. Details about the
conference are available at:

Location				Seat Capacity
Alberta, Canada 				65
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA		40
Amsterdam, Netherlands			10
Arlington, Virginia, USA		20
Berkeley, California, USA		30
Bologna, Italy				20
Boston, Massachusetts, USA		16
Cali, CIAT Colombia			60
Cali, CIDEM Colombia			20
Champaing, Illinois, USA		24
Chennai, India				30
Columbus, Ohio, USA			50
Fargo, North Dakota, USA		300
Florida, USA				15
Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA	28
Hiroshima, Japan				12
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA			20
Houghton, Michigan, USA			25
Huntington, West Virginia, USA	30
Kelantan, Malaysia			50
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 			60
Lawrence, Kansas, USA			60
Lexington, Kentucky, USA		35
Lima, Peru					10
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA			14
Lund, Sweden				20
Manchester, United Kigdom		20
Nanyang, Singapore 			12
Orono, Maine, USA				10
Penang, Malaysia 				15
Pune, India					40
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil			30
Riverside, California, USA		30
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA		25
San Diego, California USA		15
San Juan, Puerto Rico			30
San Luis de Potosi, Mexico		30
Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA		30
Taipei, Taiwan				30
Tamilnadu, India				100
University Park, Pennsylvania, USA	12
Upper Montclair, New Jersey, USA	30
West Lafayette, Indiana USA		24


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