Cibacron blue ourification of ADH?

Fergus Doherty Fergus.Doherty at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Sep 16 03:52:48 EST 2002

Has anyone experience of purification of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase using
the dye ligand Cibacron Blue F3GA?  I have tried it many times without
success.  Start/binding buffer 20mM Tris, 5mM mercaptoethanol, 5mM MgCl2,
0.4mM EDTA, as described in several protocols but ADH doesn't bind!  Plenty
of ADH activity.  Any help appreciated as lab class approaches!

Fergus Doherty,
School of Biomedical Sciences,
Nottingham University,

Fergus.Doherty at nottingham.ac.uk
0115 970 9366 (74-41366 internal)

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