drug protein interaction

S.Ballal ballal_sv at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 15 01:12:54 EST 2002

Dear Venkata,
Usegroup forums are platform where people with similar experience/
knowledge share their experiences / knowledge and try to help each
other on the respective topics.

The information you want is a broad topic and best way is to put in
some efforts from your side and learn / get the material you want. 
Even on the internet you can find useful papers/ articles on the
subject.  After doing that if you have any doubt or you require
anything very specific you can put such a question for discussion/

Best of Luck.  

venkata_prathap at yahoo.com wrote in message news:<20020914054119.32162.qmail at ww02.hostica.com>...
> hi
> i am pratap styudying pharmacy
> any one of u...plz send me detail notes on..the topic
> to my mail.....add...is    <venkata_prathap at yahoo.com>
> thanks in advance
> http://biowww.net/mynews/tree.php?group_name=bionet_molbio_proteins&begin=0

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