SDS-urea gels

julieanne_bostock at hotmail.com julieanne_bostock at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 6 08:51:24 EST 2002

I have happily been running E. coli membrane proteins on 10% polyacrylamide gels with 7M urea...until recently. The 
samples run AOK on just SDS gels, but with the addition of urea, I am getting little streaky triangular shaped bands 
(pointy side up). I have tried different batches of urea, but it doesn't help the problem. The only thing that I can think of that has changes is that I am using a different power pac. I was using a biorad powerpac 300, and am now using a power pac 1000 (but
I am using the same mA etc (25mA)).

Any suggestions greatfully appreciated! 


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