stripping and western blot?

Emir Khatipov khatipovNO at NOuchicago.edu
Wed Sep 4 12:15:56 EST 2002

"D.K." <dk at no.email.thankstospam.net> wrote in message
news:al47qb$gq2$1 at news.doit.wisc.edu...
> "Emir Khatipov" <khatipovNO at NOuchicago.edu> wrote:
> >
> >I personally don't think this thread should steer away from the initial
> >topic though. I was personally happy to learn that stripping can be done
> >with acids, and wonder why, if it works so good, few labs know about this
> >method and instead prefer stinking up everything with bME.
> >
> The usual stuff, I think - always following a given "protocol" and never
> wanting to change what works. It's like Towbin buffer for blotting -
> almost always the worst choice but is used in 95% cases.
> Seriously, try 0.1 M HCl or AcOOH - I am almost certain bet it will
> work fine.
> DK

Sounds good to me. Will certainly try next time!

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