Akta Purifier

Artem Evdokimov AEVDOKIMOZ at cinci.rr.com
Fri May 24 20:25:29 EST 2002

Purifier or Explorer ? Purifier is an older version. Aktas are great,
Pharmacia has done a really neat job with them. We've just bought 4 and they
work very well.
One word of caution - you DO want to buy a service contract. It's worth its


"James Bassuk" <bassuk at u.washington.edu> wrote in message
news:Pine.A41.4.44.0205241541240.176644-100000 at homer01.u.washington.edu...
> I'm thinking of purchasing this equipment (plus bells and whistles) from
> Amersham.  Does anyone have reservations/problems/pros/cons???
> Thanks,
> Jim

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