Biotech Laboratory Equipment for Sale

Doohan K. welltech at netzero.net
Sun May 19 14:31:08 EST 2002

ABI 377 DNA/Seq, ABI 432 Pep/Syn(Synergy), ABI 394 DNA/Syn, ABI 3948
DNA/Syn, ABI 380B DNA/Syn, ABI GENEPURE™ 341 Nucleic Acid Purification, ABI
270-HT CE, ABI 230 HPEC, ABI 477 Prot/Seq, Beckman GENOMYX–LR DNA/Seq, TECAN
MultiFlex Robotic WorkStation, HP 1090-II HPLC, HP 1050 HPLC, HP 3D
CE(Capillary Electrophoresis), HP 7680 SFE(2), HP 7686 SPS(Solid-Phase
Synthesizer), Beckman 2050 CE with LIF(Laser Induced Fluorescence Detector),
Pharmacia PIOPilot Pilot-scale FPLC, Pharmacia SMART system(micro-LC),
Shiamdzu UV-160 spectrophotometer(3) (200nm-1100nm, Uv-vis, dual scanning),
Perkin Elmer Lambda-2 spectrophotometer(3) (190nm-1100nm, Uv-vis, dual
scanning), etc.  Send your inquiry e-mail to:


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