New discovery opens a new horizon for the structural and bio-chemistry

Tim Davies daviest at shaw.ca
Wed May 15 06:42:38 EST 2002

Can you please provide references as to the accuracy in calculating
structure. Is it possible to run your program on known complex
Tim Davies 

"S. Sarg" wrote:
> A new unified field theory unveils the physical structure of the atomic
> nuclei. The proton and neutrons in the atomic nuclei follows a strict spatial
> order with a signature of the row-column pattern of the Periodic table. So the
> nuclear configuration defines the orbitals of any one of the electrons in a
> limited angular range.  This may provide a new horizon of the structural and
> bio-chemistry (for example, in the study of chemical shifts in enzymes).  The
> magnetic energy flowing through the long chain molecule is evidently a result
> of orbital plane orientations held by the nuclear configuration. When tested
> with simple molecules the proposed physical models are in excellent agreement
> with the VSEPR model in the chemistry.
> Visit: www.heliconstruct.com/Table.html  (Atlas of Atomic Nuclear structures)
>          www.helical-structures.org  (Basic Structures of Matter - a new
> unified field theory)

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