Need To Express Very Small Proteins in E. coli

Richard P. Grant rpg14 at yahoo.co.uk.invalid
Mon May 13 06:18:11 EST 2002

In article <ab7fes$6nl$2 at news.doit.wisc.edu>,
 dk at no.email.thankstospam.net (D.K.) wrote:

> Scott <scj-13 at deletemecharter.net> wrote:
> >I need to express a 5 KDa and a 10 KDa protein in E. coli. I've tried a 
> >number of candidates, but they always express very poorly. 
> >Interestingly, if I clone two tandem copies(of a 10 KDa) of the same 
> >thing it works very well. E. coli seems to not really tollerate such 
> >small protein molecules very well. 
> This is a well-known fact. 

Really?  My 7.5 kDa protein expresses just fine - in fact, incredibly 
well - in E. coli.  So well that I managed to solve its structure by 
homonuclear NMR (see last month's NSB).


Richard P. Grant  0x5F9559B1                         MRC Lab of Mol Biol
rpg 'at' mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk           New:   http://www.rg-d.com/BioLOG/
   When MS created NT, how did they get an infinite number of monkeys?

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