Could it be an artefact? (was: Breaking the dimers)

Susanne Rohrer rohrersusanne.spam at hotmail.com
Mon May 13 04:29:58 EST 2002

John Philo wrote:

> Susanne and all,
> I'll jump in late and offer a possible different interpretation.
> Inferring masses from size-exclusion chromatography is always subject to
> large errors---I have seen so many cases where a putative dimer is really a
> monomer, and also a case where a protein said to be a monomer by SEC was
> really a trimer. If you don't mind being off by factors of 2-3 either way,
> SEC is fine.

Oh dear, I didn't know that.
does it help that I get two peaks with pure protein, one corresponding quite
exactly to a monomer and the other to a dimer? I did run commercial standards.
I agree I have no idea about their structure.

I will get back to your company when i need accurate analysis, thanx :)


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