Replacing beta-mercaptoethanol with cysteine

Frank Fürst ffrank at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Thu May 9 11:00:04 EST 2002

tlyms at sol.dk (Thomas) schrieb:

> Help needed
> I want to replace beta-mercaptoethanol with cysteine as antioxidant in
> my buffers. 

Do you have a specific reason for that?

> Have you got any experience? 

No, I just used beta-mercaptoethanol, DTE (DiThioErythritol) and DTT
(DiThioThreitol), and I know people use GSSH.

> Any thing to be take into consideration?

- redox potential
- pKa which has a great effect on the kinetics

Bye, Frank
> But I don't really see running SETI at Home as practical as Folding at Home.  What,
> exactly, would be the benefit of finding intelligent aliens on the other side
> of the galaxy?
Maybe they're broadcasting the principles of protein folding... [from bionet.*]

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