Protein solubility

benjaminelsy at hotmail.com
Thu May 2 06:50:01 EST 2002

Dear All,

I would be very grateful if any one could point me to relevant literature or
sites that give an insight into the principle and steps used in the study of
protein solubility.
1. Can one identify soluble forms of a protein by make many deletions of the
full-length ORF ( or truncate ORF from either 3' end or 5' end and check the
expression of soluble proteins).
What is are the steps for such study and are there any published literatures
for such?
2. How does Hydrophobicity trimming and hydrophilicity trimming of protein
can effect crystallization or solubility? and how one can achieve these?

Please excuse if I am being dense. 
Thanks in advance.


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