Problems with gel filtration

John Fox j.e.fox at bham.ac.uk
Wed May 1 11:48:34 EST 2002

what is the diameter and length of the column?
1ml/min sounds a bit quick for GPC

John Fox

> So I have been having problems running my gel filtration column.  It is a
> High Resolution column put out by Amersham Pharmacia.  Before loading my
> protein I equilibrate the column with 3 column volumes of buffer.  This
> buffer among other things contains 150mM salt per the instructions to
> eliminate nonspecific interactions of the protein with the column.  Then I
> load my sample which has been concentrated down to under 1 mL and run the
> column at 1 ml/min.  I collect about 2 mL fractions.  When I run an SDS-PAGE
> gel of these fractions I see proteins of all molecular weights in each
> fraction, reflecting poor separation.  It's as if I never put the protein
> sample through the column.  I feel like it must be something I am doing
> wrong and not the column because at least one other member of my lab has
> used this column and achieved nice separation.  Any thoughts on what the
> problem might be?
> Erin Warren
> <http://www.biowww.net/forum/read.php?f=6&i=999&t=999>

Alta Bioscience                    Email:    altabios at bham.ac.uk
The University of Birmingham       Phone:    +44 (0) 121 414 5450
Edgbaston, Birmingham              Fax:      +44 (0) 121 414 3376
B15 2TT, UK                        URL:      www.bham.ac.uk/Alta_Bioscience

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