opinions: plasmid loss, protein expression differences

Frank Fürst ffrank at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Fri Jun 14 07:34:17 EST 2002

Philipp Wechner <philipp.wechner at uibk.ac.at> schrieb:

> > If they do lose the plasmid from storage in glycerol stocks - how does
> > this occur? What does the glycerol do?
> I kept some of my transformed BL21 in glycerol in the past - but i stopt
> doing this because it is much faster to just keept the Miniprep and
> transform when you need it....
> I never encountered problems with my stocks in the past

Indeed. Some weeks ago, I thawed a glycerol stock of BL21 from 1996
because we couldn't find the plasmid DNA (of the respective mutant). It
had had to stand two lab moves, each time beeing transferred from -70°C
to dry ice and back. They grew and even expressed just fine, but I
preferred to isolate DNA and retransform.

Bye, Frank
> But I don't really see running SETI at Home as practical as Folding at Home.  What,
> exactly, would be the benefit of finding intelligent aliens on the other side
> of the galaxy?
Maybe they're broadcasting the principles of protein folding... [from bionet.*]

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