fluorescence quenching of tryptophan

Emir Khatipov khatipovNO at NOuchicago.edu
Thu Jun 13 12:19:47 EST 2002

<kerstin.janisch at bbsrc.ac.uk> wrote in message
news:20020613151622.16525.qmail at ww02.hostica.com...
> Hello,
> i've got a problem with the fluorescence quenching of tryptophan in
proteins due to binding other molecules. the assay is not reproducable. does
anybody know something about this topic and can offer some help? the
important bit is, is the binding and therefore the quenching temperature
depending? what else can influence this system?
> thanks a lot! it's really urgent.
> cheers,
> kerstin
> http://www.biowww.net/index.php/forum/forumlist/1/

>From the general point of view, I believe you should do your assays under
temperature-controlled conditions. The purity of your reagents (and
cleanliness of the cuvettes!) can also be a culprit. We might help more if
you describe your system in more detail. I would recommend you to use the
same batches of proteins, unless you are sure that all your batches are
identical. Hope this helps.
- Emir

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