Second Virtual Conference on Genomics and Bioinformatics
Sharing Knowledge with the World (No registration fees)
September 24-26, 2002
Deadline: June 30, 2002 for abstracts
Deadline: August 15, 2002 for complete documents
Speakers List
Review Committee List
Remote Locations: (if you are interested in host the VCGB-II) Please let us
CINECA Bologna-Italy (Access Grid)
Marshall University(Real Player)
Oklahoma State University (Real Player)
University of Kentucky
Boston University
The "Virtual Conference on Genomics and Bioinformatics" is an advanced
environment for the exchange and discussion of information related to
innovations of the post-genomic era. Since genomic research has led to an
explosive rate of data accumulation and to a shift in the way biological
research is conducted, the conference features high profile researchers and
educators working actively in the development of new applications in the
areas of genomics and bioinformatics. While genomic technologies offer an
enormous scientific potential to understand genome functions, structure and
interaction, the increasing amount of data generated present new challenges
for biologists, sociologists, mathematicians, computer scientists and
biological modelers. Therefore the main goals of the Virtual Conference in
Genomics and Bioinformatics are:
1) Transcend geographical and economical barriers to the exchange of ideas
that facilitates the interaction and collaboration among scientists and
educators around the world.
2) Address the benefits and limitations of the newest developments in
post-genomic technologies.
3) Explore the social and ethical implications of genomic and bioinformatic
4) Establish new ways to introduce high school community about today's
multidisciplinary science.
Topics of the Virtual Conference includes but not limited to:
. Structural and Functional Genomics
. Post-Genomic Data Standardization, Management, and Integration
. Statistical and Computational Approaches for Gene Expression Analysis
. Sequence Annotation
. Metabolic Profiling and Simulation of Cellular Processes
. Social and Ethical Implications of Genomic Research
. High Throughput Computing and Distributed Memory Infrastructures
Willy Valdivia Granda
Plant Stress Genomics and Bioinformatics Group
North Dakota State University
PO BOX 5130
Fargo, USA
701 231-8440 (Lab)
701 231 8255 (Fax)