
John Philo jphilo_nospam_ at mailway.com
Thu Jan 31 20:28:25 EST 2002

If you are asking about thermal unfolding transitions, while those will
depend somewhat on the variable antigen-binding portions, subtype, and even
glycosylation of a particular antibody, as well as solvent conditions, in
general IGG's are quite thermostable. Antibody unfolding is more complex
than typical globular proteins, with different domains unfolding at
different temperatures. Typically though unfolding begins at about 60 C and
the first domain to unfold is the CH2 domain, with a midpoint of about 75 C,
with further unfolding above 80 C.

If you want to see examples or details you could try Y. Mimura et al.
(2000), Molecular Immunology 37, 697-706 and references therein.

John Philo
Alliance Protein Laboratories

"Ahmed Samir" <ahmdsamir at link.net> wrote in message
news:a39net$16lea6$1 at ID-36824.news.dfncis.de...
> Hi there
> What is the tempreture at which the antibodies (G-Globulin) will be
> denatured??
> Thans so much
> Dr. Tamer Hassan

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