help please!

Azutrum mmuurrttuuzzaa at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 2 21:53:10 EST 2002

Thank You For your help, I understand how your explanation applies to
the article.

Now, If I may be so bold, and ask for your time to review my summary
of the article and how that applies to what I am learning in class.

If you would not mind this task please post your email address. Thank
You again.

I understand if you are a busy student or a professor.  

ffrank at rz.uni-potsdam.de (Frank Fürst wrote in message news:<87zo2w6mhh.fsf at pc201-37.biochem.uni-potsdam.de>...
> mmuurrttuuzzaa at hotmail.com (Azutrum) schrieb:
> > Hi, 
> > 
> >   Can anyone please explain what is proteolysis. I looked it up and
> > all I understand is that it is the hydrolysis of proteins which causes
> > them to break down. Is this correct or not? If it is not please tell
> > me what it is?
> It is. Usually it is implied that the hydrolysis reaction is catalyzed
> by an enzyme. It may be unspecific (e.g. an exopeptidase just removing
> amino acids from the terminus, one by one) or specific, i.e. the enzyme
> looks for a particular amino acid sequence on the polypeptide chain and
> cleaves at a specific point in this sequence.
> >    Also please explain what is the " Ka-Mg2+ ". My understanding is
> > that ka is the acid dissociation constant. But I thought that applied
> > to acid which gain electron. But how does it apply to Mg2+. If I am
> > totally wrong please explain what it may be.
> I don't know. Could you indicate indices and superscripts, like
> K_a^{Mg2+} or the like? Perhaps it is just the association constant for
> Magnesium: 
>           c(enzyme*Mg2+)
> K_a = -----------------------
>         c(enzyme)  c(Mg2+)}
> > I am reading an article on Allosteric inhibition of
> > Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
> must be an enzyme. Phosphofructokinase?
> HTH, Frank

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