Quick Update From SmallBizAds

quick10 at batuta.net quick10 at batuta.net
Sun Dec 8 23:09:59 EST 2002

Hello SmallBizAds Club Member,

I stumbled across something unusual recently....
And as a valued subscriber I wanted to let you know
about it.

A few months ago I met a man named Warren Gates at a
seminar, who graciously offered me his material to review.
I smiled and politely thanked him but I knew that I probably
wouldn't get around to reading it anytime soon. (You should
see my stack of reading material to get to and I'm actually a
quick reader.)

But as luck would have it, I was going away on my second 
honeymoon one week after this seminar and I decided to bring 
some 'lighter' reading along.

Honestly, I can't remember the last time I read a book that
didn't deal with the subject of marketing or advertising, but
once I started reading Warren's material on the airplane and
I couldn't put it down.

It was simply incredible!

His manuscript combined every success principle I've ever been
taught and wraps it all up into one succinct exercise called
"the 6 habits". And the best part is it only takes just 3
minutes and 3 steps to achieve.

Yep! Only 3 minutes!

The truth is, I constantly find myself applying Warren's simple
(yet extremely powerful)"the 6 habits" principles in my life
now and I feel like there is no problem or situation I can't
conquer. (Frankly - I'm not one of those spiritual 'walk on hot
coals' type of guys - but this stuff really has had a profound
effect on my life.)

What's more, other top marketers like Declan Dunn, Jonathan
Mizel, Monique Harris, Joe Vitale and Marlon Sanders all vouch
for Warren's material (he even has an endorsement from famed Deepak
Chopra, MD).

It's amazing to think there are very simple  steps to solving almost
any problem you'll ever deal with (money, happiness,
relationship, you name it). And Warren assures me that it works for
anyone willing to give it a try.

The only thing you need to give this information a shot, is an
open mind. Open enough to take a chance on yourself and the
material contained in the "The 6 Habits". 

Do yourself a favor and check out this valuable information by
clicking the link below:


You'll be glad you did!

Allen Lenth

P.S. - Could there really be just 6 habits to happiness, joy, wealth
and getting almost anything you really want in your life? I
couldn't believe it either until I applied them.  Truth be told, I was 
floundering in the Internet wilderness until I met Warren.  

P.S.S. - Here are the results of our first week - using this system:
Clickthrough % - 18.33%
Conversion rate (sell through) - 3%
Revenue per email sent - .34 cents

Note: We have contacted you based on information that we gathered
while visiting your website - and by joining the same, newsgroups, FFA 
Safelists and Online Bulletin Boards.  If you would prefer not to receive 
mail from us in the future, simply  
mailto:secretsucces at batuta.net?subject=remove and you will be 
automatically excluded from future correspondence.


Just click the above mentioned link and I will remove
you from my lists personally.

Proud Member of www. DEAA.ORG

Thought for the day..."The only thing a man can take beyond this lifetime
 is his ethics
"* * *

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