Waters 994 PDA and/or Millenium software v 2.15 or 2.01

Duncan Clark junk at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Fri Dec 6 04:02:12 EST 2002

Historians believe that in newspost 
<a30ce47b.0212051510.fd034e9 at posting.google.com> on Thu, 5 Dec 2002, 
raconte <raconte at hotmail.com> penned the following literary masterpiece:
>Duncan Clark <junk@[]> wrote in message news:<stUTqTpQUf79EATn@[]>...
>> Hi Folks,
>> Does anyone have a full manual for a Waters 994 diode array detector?
>> Likewise anything for a 5200 printer/plotter?
>> Do you have or know of a copy of the Millenium control software v 2.15
>> or possibly 2.01 that will run the PDA etc ?
>Did you try the http://www.Waters.com website?  They have PDF manuals
>for download for even the old stuff we use -- I'll admit though,
>you're equipment is little bit older than ours.

Yep and spoken to tech support. Across the whole of the Waters group 
they are struggling to find a manual. The later ones are available as 
pdf files. The 994 doesn't look that old, maybe 10 years but of course 
that is around Intel AT processor era - ancient by today's power and out 
of date by Waters standards.

I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing noise they make as
they go flying by.

Duncan Clark
GeneSys Ltd.

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