Announcing: Protein Tools Now available from ScienceDownload.com

Press Release gis at triusinc.com
Tue Dec 3 09:23:26 EST 2002

The Protein Tools Software package is now available from

The Protein Tools Software Package was designed for all biochemists working
with proteins and peptides. The package consists of three parts: a main
Protein Tools sequence editor, amino acid analysis software - AAA Fit, and
pI Calculation application that can help to predict the isoelectric point of
a designed protein. Protein Tools helps to interpret and organize data in an
orderly and clear fashion.

Protein Tools, is essentially a protein sequence editor. With the click of
the mouse the application displays coordinates of the selected subsequence,
mono isotopic and average masses, and user defined properties (e.g. Bull and
Breese hydrophobicity index, HPLC elution index. etc.). Protein sequences
can be imported from many existing data base files, and in addition uncoded
or modified amino acids (e.g. norleucine, phospho-serine, etc.) can be
defined and used for a variety of calculations. Proteins Tools automatically
tracks amino acid composition, finds desired sequence motifs, finds peptides
with the expected masses and many more. The application can generate a list
of the peptides when cleaved with proteolytic enzymes or other user defined
cleaving agents utilizing the peptide smart function. Also, Proteins Tools
can generate a list of MS/MS sequence ions which together with other
utilities is very helpful in the identification of a peptide and its
modifications. The Protein Tools sequence editor is interfaced with two
other applications AAFit and pI Calculation.

Available from: http://www.sciencedownload.com
[USA Agent: TRIUS, Inc.: http://www.triusinc.com]

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