sticky protein

Sandip Vyas feral at cats.ucsc.edu
Thu Aug 22 23:23:45 EST 2002

Before dialysis, I boil my membrane in EDTA (a pinch in a litre of water).
Hope this takes care of your sticky [protein] situation.


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Bike to work, work to live, live to bike ... eat, drink, sleep.

"Lisa Gabrielle Defazio" <ldefazio at stanford.edu> wrote in message
news:Pine.GSO.4.44.0208091028230.8153-100000 at saga21.Stanford.EDU...
> Does anyone have suggestions on how to prevent my protein from sticking to
> the membrane when I dialyze it?  I'm already adding loads of BSA, and my
> buffer contains 10% glycerol.
> Thanks,
> Lisa

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