Artem Evdokimov wrote:
> Detergents, nonionic for preference. BOG sometimes works miracles, but it is
> just one out of thousands of other possibilities. Watch out for micelle
> overconcentration.
> A.G.E.
> "Lisa Gabrielle Defazio" <ldefazio at> wrote in message
> news:Pine.GSO.4.44.0208091028230.8153-100000 at saga21.Stanford.EDU...> >
> > Does anyone have suggestions on how to prevent my protein from sticking to
> > the membrane when I dialyze it? I'm already adding loads of BSA, and my
> > buffer contains 10% glycerol.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Lisa
No sticky protein using GeBAflex-tube Protein precipitation protocols see websites for Protein, and handbook details