A student asked a question regarding a calculation, the answer must be
trivial but I don't get it:
>From a book (not at home so full reference missing):
E+P --k1,k-1--[ES]--k2-- E+P
A) what is the breakdown of ES. Because k2<<k1 k2 can be neglected, Kd
is k-1/k1. No problem.
B) Km is (k-1 + k2)/k1
In case B, why can k2 not be neglected? (judging from the answer it
isn't, a factor of three difference. The ansver is in the 10E5 range)
Kaj Stenberg, Ph. D
Department of Biosciences tel. +358-9-191 59682
Division of Biochemistry fax +358-9-191 59068
P. O. Box 56, Viikinkaari 5 e-mail: kaj.stenberg at helsinki.fi
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki http://www.helsinki.fi/~kstenber/
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